Prosperon Docs
Prosperon is based around a Javascript-like language, made to enable the fastest way to make computer games, in a cross platform way.
This was done to make programs simpler, faster, and easier to maintain. Much Javascript code from before ES6 is compatible.
API usage
A lot of the API usage is informed from 'duck typing'. If something "looks" like a camera - it can be used like one! If something "looks" like a sprite, it can be used like one! There are fast paths on nearly everything for well defined objects
Uniformity is prioritized. Javascript allows for a powerful abstraction - the object - which Prosperon makes much use of. It allows for another - the arraybuffer - which makes it simple to plug different parts of the engine into each other.
The object is the lingua franca of the API. For example, json.encode and json.decode converts objects to and fromt json strings; nota.encode and nota.decode converts objects to and from nota bytes, represented as a javascript arraybuffer. To convert a json string to a nota buffer, one would do: nota.encode(json.decode(str))
Most functions take objects just like this, increasing flexibility for what you can send into functions.
Gradual performance
Prosperon makes it easy to make something quickly, and if it runs well, you're golden! But if it's slow, there are a plethora of options to make it faster. Plus, with native C plugins, there is nothing that can't be figured out.